Having passed the monthly total for January on the 21st with ten days to go, it was looking like being a fairly productive month. This was helped by a period of 4 clear days that really got the panels going, followed up by various mixed days that still produced a handful of units each day. Plus a few surprises - a few instances where cloud was forecasted but better weather materialized. It all helps.
Since then, it's been fits and starts. Firstly the highest ever spot reading on the Owl unit (see below) on Jan 26th. Not bad for a 3.43 kW system. I suspect part of this is due to the uneven nature of the weather - I don't get these higher values when the sun is constant. I wonder what the system will be capable of come high summer, given that the inverter is rated above the panels, at least I know whatever they kick out will get used, maybe I can get closer to 4 kW?
Secondly, Jan 27th was another perfect day - wall to wall sun and over 13 kWh generated. We still had the dip at 3:15 pm when the sun descends passed a tree on the horizon, but other than that it was a perfect trace with over 2500W being kicked out in the middle of the day. Not bad for January, it just goes to show how the slightly longer days & higher sun angle increase the output, and that's just comparing to a few weeks back. Roll on some proper spring days!