
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

It's been a while

So it's been a little while since my last post - I've kept on top of the tracking, but not the blogging bit. So hopefully a chance to put a few things right.

So the highlights:

December 2012 was amazing, the target completed in just 12 days, thanks to some unusually sunny weather. At one point it looked possible to complete about twice the quota, but the weather was not so consistent come Christmas, but you cannot really complain.


Err... that would be January. Awful weather, deep grey skies, snow etc and too many days when virtually nothing happened. All-in-all, this is the first month that I've not beaten the forecast - that's how bad the weather was.

Eagle eyed readers will spot a few negative days in there - this is not quite accurate. There was some nominal production but once I take into consideration the background noise levels on the Owl CM160 in order to track the meter under the stairs, this is roughly what drops out. Either way the overall trend and values are close enough. So that works for me.

February on the other hand, looks a damn sight better, with ten days to go I'm nearly there. Hurrah.

As a change for this year, I've adjusted the generation targets to be slightly phased. This reflects the day length/suns angle better and back weights the months in the first half of the year, and front weights the second half. It's just a minor adjustment, but it pleases me. I may explain how I've done this another time - it's not perfect, but its close enough for me.