
Monday, 28 October 2013

September 2013

September was dull.

It felt very grey from the start of the month and so it continued. I had to scrape back every last kWh to hit the target this month (this meant checking the generation meter under the stairs and finding my Owl estimates were a couple of units light).

101% of target achieved which was not bad given the we only had 81% of the average hours of sun during the month. September 2013 was the 47th sunniest in the last 57 years - you get the idea, it felt like Autumn all the way through and the PV system reflects this. Still, to continue generating under such conditions shouldn't be underestimated.

Unlike September 2012, I did not complete the year's generation target in September, falling about 20 kWh short by the end of the month. This will easily go during October, but the stats don't lie - I'm down on the previous year and the weather feels like that too. Maybe 2014 will give us a treat instead.

August 2013

August was good without being great - good kWh figures most days but what it lacked was the solid weeks of good weather that really help the numbers stack up when you hit 120+ kWh in seven days.

Still no complaints, 425 kWh produced, in what was a distinctly average month - we had 104% of normal hours of sun during August, with the months being the 23rd most sunny since 1957. Very average, but lots of watts anyway.

July 2013

Ok, I admit it, I'm late with the updates. It's been that type of summer - too much to do and not enough discipline to sit down and write some stuff up. 

But now, with a few hours to think and a load of data in Excel it's time to fill some gaps in.

July, well what can I say? Extraordinarily good weather, a severe drought that turned the lawn brown and lots of sun, although quite a bit of hazy weather that reduced the ultimate output of the PV system. According to the weather stats July 2013 was the 6th sunniest July since 1957 with 134% of usual hours of sunlight. The result was my best month ever with 499 kWh produced for 136% of target, that's over 130 kWh ahead. I could take that every month.