
Saturday, 24 March 2012

Peace in our time?

The ongoing war of our time on the cuts to the feed-in-tarriffs seems to be coming to and end - the higher FIT rate will be extended to March, but there are severe cuts in the pipeline between now and the summer. (See telegraph article).

As someone who was fortunate to have solar PV installed in November 2011, I have watched with interest, but with the smugness that comes from knowing that I'm alright. 

What I always find interesting in these cases are the comments from the public that accompany these stories - I'm now a passionate advocate of solar PV. Whilst I can see the points being made on the basis of cost, there is no disputing that the systems are inherently productive and clean, and I hope at some point in the future there is a breakthrough to make the systems standard on all properties. Small changes in efficiency, cost and/or storage of excess energy built up over a period of years could revolutionize the way we generate and consume electricity, Here's hoping eh?

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