I'm just going through the point at which the sun is perpendicular to the solar array so am expecting some interesting peak readings in the next few days. Unfortunately today, the weather didn't quite play ball - early sun was quickly diluted by 10am but occasional breaks in the cloud gave some interesting high readings (if only temporary).
The highest I noted was just over 3900 watts, and there were several readings well in excess of 3800, which is interesting given the system is only rated to 3430 watts, although the inverter is 4400 watts. There is a theory that says these peaks only occur when the sun is broken by cloud, the panels are cooler and more efficient, and hence you cannot get these peak readings on a clear day as the system cannot run at that level of output for long periods of time.
I shall wait and watch for this over the next few days - we are due to get periods of early sun for the rest of the week, surely one decent patch of blue sky will coincide with the mid-day sun's alignment. Here's hoping.
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