Day 9 - Nov 18th 2011
So finally, finally, after much messing about the inverter arrived. A great big hulking Growatt rated at 4400 watts. Considerably more than required, but we've gone beyond that time for complaining.
It was duly installed in about an hour - even that did not go quite to plan as the connectors had to be changed - and within a few minutes of turning on, we were generating power for the first time. It was about 3pm at this time, about the same time that the sun moves round off the roof, but for a glorious 15 minutes we were generating electricity for the first time.
OK, it was only 150 watts or so in the late autumn sunshine, but it's a start. Here's to the weather for tomorrow - forecast cloudy with some breaks - to really see the system do its thing.
It's been a long install, more hassle than it should have been, but hopefully we're through the worst - only the scaffolding to go now and we'll be almost back to normal.
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