So today was the first day of generating real electricity.
About 8am the OWL meter started to show about 120W - more than the background reading of 85W that seems to persist throughout (presumably the load of the inverter and panels). By 9am things had started to lift up to 500W or so and by 10am we'd seen upwards of 700W on several occasions.
The weather was not ideal - grey cloud clearing later, but from time to time the sun threatened to break through and we topped 1000W a few times. Around lunchtime we hit a mighty 1.2kW briefly before settling into a steady 700-900W for a good hour or so.
The sky cleared later on, but the power started to wane as the angle and height of the sun changed. And at about 4pm the light was gone.
Despite the mixed weather, and shadows on the panels from the scaffolding (due to go next week), we managed to produce 3.3kWh today - not bad for mid November, and a start.
Whilst this is hardly going to compete against the national grid, it's made a hole in today's bill, although not enough to export any juice, it all helps.
Ideally, I wouldn't have installed the system at this time of year, but needs must with the tariff deadline approaching. So anything that gets produced between now and spring is a bonus.
The next week or so will be interesting to track, as well as trying to understand the impact of the system drain at idle.
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